Needs dan Needs Analysis merupakan dari proses pembentukan dan evaluasi suatu program atau organisasi, bagi kita yang ingin membuat suatu program atau organisasi harus mengerti betul apa yang dimaksud dengan Needs dan Needs Analysis. Berikut ini saya share mengenai definisi atau pengertian dari Needs dan Needs Analysis, sebenarnya ini adalah bagian dari skripsi saya yang masih belum rampung, jadi sambil menggarap skripsi, saya coba untuk berbagi ilmu yang terdapat dalam skripsi saya tersebut, sekalian saya minta do'a dari kalian semua terutama yang membaca postingan ini semoga saya bisa cepat menyelesaikan skripsi saya dan meraih gelar sarjana. Amin...
Everyone must have needs in their lives, because without a need they
don’t have a reason to do something, a need has been described as:
- A gap between “what is” and “what should be.” (Witkin et al., 1995)
- “A gap between real and ideal that is both acknowledged by community values and potentially amenable to change.” (Reviere, 1996, p. 5)
- May be different from such related concepts as wants (“something people are willing to pay for”) or demands (“something people are willing to march for”). (McKillip, 1987)
Definition of Needs Analysis
Needs analysis is a Systematic process to acquire an accurate, thorough
picture of the weaknesses and strengths of a school group that can be used in
response to the academic and course needs of all students for improving student
achievement and meeting challenging academic and course standards. Process that
collects and examines information about achievement issues and then utilizes
that data to determine priority goals, to develop a plan, and to allocate funds
and resources (Eva M Kubinski, M.S. Comprehensive Regional
Assistance Center – Region VI South Dakota Title I Schoolwide Conference
September 27, 1999).
There are some others definition of needs Analysis, such as:
“All effective training begins with
needs analysis. The training needs survey measures what skills employees have,
what they need, and how to deliver the right training at the right time.” (American
Society of Training and Development)
“A Needs analysis is a systematic
exploration of the way things are and the way they should be. These “things”
are usually associated with organizational and/or individual performance.” (D.
Stout, Performance Analysis for Training, 1995)
“Needs analysis
is an examination of the existing need for training within an organization. It
is a gathering of data that enables you to make an informed estimate of the
changes desired or demanded by those organizations.” (Stuart Dalziel,
Planning and Managing Training and Development)
“The word
‘assess’ comes from the Latin term ‘assidere’ which means to ‘sit beside.’ Process-minded
and participatory-oriented adult educators “sit beside” learners to learn about
their proficiencies and backgrounds, educational goals, and expected outcomes,
immersing themselves in the lives and views of their students.” (E.
Auerbach, Making Meaning, Making Change, 1994)
“Needs analysis
is performed to determine what training will successfully address any skill
deficits.” (Cornell, Technology Training Services)
“Needs Analysis
is a process used anytime someone carefully asks the question ‘How can I find
out what is really happening’ (or needed; at the root of the problem; missing;
etc.)?” (Cornell, Needs Analysis Tips and Techniques)
“Data gathering
methods by themselves are not a needs analysis. The needs analysis process has
to result in decision-making for the process to be complete.” (University of
“Needs analysis
and needs analysis are interchangeable and have the same purpose and meaning:
to assess and analyze. The purpose is to ensure that there is a need for
training and to identify the nature of the content of the training program.”
(AMX, Training Needs Analysis)
Need Analysis is the process of evaluating and identifying needs in a
group or other defined population of people. The needs identification is a
process of describing problems of a target population and relevant solutions to
these problems.
Need analysis focuses on the future, or what should be done, rather than
on what was done as is the most program evaluations focus on (ICYF Evaluation Concept Sheet Spring 2000,
The University of Arizona Prepared by Allison L. Titcomb, Ph.D).
From all definitions above, the writer define needs analysis is a
process to identifying a need for determining the target of a program or
organization, needs analysis can be conducted by evaluating a program and also
observe the object of the program’s needs.
Demikianlah Definisi Needs dan Needs Analysis yang saya dapat dari beberapa referensi.
terima kasih, semoga bermanfaat...
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