Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Definisi Needs dan Needs Analysis

Needs dan Needs Analysis merupakan dari proses pembentukan dan evaluasi suatu program atau organisasi, bagi kita yang ingin membuat suatu program atau organisasi harus mengerti betul apa yang dimaksud dengan Needs dan Needs Analysis. Berikut ini saya share mengenai definisi atau pengertian dari Needs dan Needs Analysis, sebenarnya ini adalah bagian dari skripsi saya yang masih belum rampung, jadi sambil menggarap skripsi, saya coba untuk berbagi ilmu yang terdapat dalam skripsi saya tersebut, sekalian saya minta do'a dari kalian semua terutama yang membaca postingan ini semoga saya bisa cepat menyelesaikan skripsi saya dan meraih gelar sarjana. Amin...

Definition of Needs

Lirik Lagu What Makes You Beautiful (One Direction)

Siapa yang tak suka musik? tentunya semua orang suka musik karena musik dapat menenagkan pikiran yang galau, hati yang gundah dan jiwa yang resah. Ada banyak genre dalam musik, salah satunya Pop, nah, saya suka genre musik pop, apalagi lagu barat, karena selain bermutu (bukan berarti lagu Indonesia tidak bermutu lho), juga bisa menjadi sarana saya untuk belajar bahasa Inggris. Salah satu lagu yang saya suka adalah What Makes You Beautiful oleh One Direction, berikut ini saya share lirik lagunya.

[Verse 1]
You're insecure,

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Present Tense Lengkap Dengan Rumus dan Contoh

Dalam tata Bahasa Inggris atau yang lebih dikenal dengan Grammar, ada 9 Part of Speech dan 16 klasifikasi tenses, sebelum kalian membaca penjelasan tentang tenses dibawah ini, saya sarankan kalian untuk mengetahui apa saja 9 Part of Speech atua kelas kata bahasa Inggris terlebih dahulu agar kalian mudah memahami penjelasan dibawah ini. Sekarang saya akan sharing tentang tenses, tapi kali ini saya akan membahas Present Tense.

Apa itu Present Tense???

Part of Speech (Kelas Kata Bahasa Inggris)

Dalam Bahasa Inggris ada beberapa kelas kata atau part of speech yang menggolongkan fungsi dan kedudukan setiapa kata dalam kalimat, untuk jumlah dari kelas kata atau part of speech tersebut masih ada perbedaan pendapat dari para peneliti, sebagian mengatakan 8 sedangkan yang lain mengatakan 9. Nah, biar lebih lengkap saya akan ambil yang 9 part of speech atau kelas kata. Berikut ini bagian-bagian dari part of speech

Monday, July 29, 2013

Contoh Reflective Journal


There are some methods of English teaching, the methods are for make a good class, for the students don’t feel bored and easy to understand the lesson teacher teaches them.
The methods are

Contoh RPP (Lesson Plan) Bahasa Inggris

THEME         : Learning about Grammar (Tenses).
BY                  : FAISAL RAHMAN

Mengoptimalkan Facebook Agar Lebih Bermanfaat dan Berdampak Positif

Facebook merupakan sosial media terpopuler sekarang, hampir semua orang memiliki akun dan menggunakan Facebook untuk menjalin silaturrahmi dan bergaul dengan orang banyak secara online atau di dunia maya, Facebook memiliki banyak kelebihan yang memberikan banyak keuntungan bagi penggunanya, namun sayangnya banyak sekali penggunanya yang justru menggunakan Facebook untuk

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Drama Script of Romeo and Juliet Parody

Once upon a time in a remote town, that is named Verona there is a kingdom where lived a beautiful princess with her parents the king and queen, the beautiful daughter named Juliet, she always gets strict supervision and care of both parents so that every time he's out of the palace was always guarded by a bodyguard, ever since she was a teenager to adulthood as now there is a guard who always guard, the guard named Tybalt. * On the other side of the city there is a man poor but handsome orphan who lives alone after the death of his parents, in order to survive he just ate cassava from small cassava garden left both parents. The man named

Drama Script of Romeo and Juliet Parody

Once upon a time in a remote town, that is named Verona there is a kingdom where lived a beautiful princess with her parents the king and queen, the beautiful daughter named Juliet, she always gets strict supervision and care of both parents so that every time he's out of the palace was always guarded by a bodyguard, ever since she was a teenager to adulthood as now there is a guard who always guard, the guard named Tybalt. * On the other side of the city there is a man poor but handsome orphan who lives alone after the death of his parents, in order to survive he just ate cassava from small cassava garden left both parents. The man named

Contoh Article Review

Communicative Language Teaching
Majid Al-Humaidi
Reviewed by
Faisal Rahman

What is Communicative Language Teaching? How to use it in class? What are the advantages and disadvantages of Communicative Language Teaching?. The writer of this article answered the questions above, He mentioned that Communicative Language Teaching was found at

Contoh Term of Reference Kegiatan

Term of Reference
Bakti Sosial Dewan Mahasiswa IAIN Antasari Banjarmasin

Waktu : 23-24 juli 2013
Tempat: Panti Asuhan “SENTOSA”
Deskripsi Kegiatan
Kegiatan Bakti Sosial ini adalah salah satu program kerja dari bidang Sosial Keagamaan Dewan Eksekutif Mahasiswa IAIN Antasari Banjarmasin, sebuah kegiatan yang dilaksanakan sebagai wujud implementasi kepedulian sosial terhadap lingkungan sekitar yang terspesifikasi kepada anak yatim di panti asuhan, dengan memberikan

Contoh Surat Perjanjian

Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:
1.      (Keterangan atau kedudukan pihak pertama) selanjutnya disebut pihak pertama
2.      (Keterangan atau kedudukan pihak kedua) selanjutnya disebut pihak kedua
Isi Perjanjian :
1.      Pihak pertama mengaku telah (hal yang di telah dilakukan oleh pihak pertama) kepada pihak kedua.
2.      Pihak pertama menyanggupi untuk (janji atau jaminan yang diberikan pihak pertama) kepada pihak kedua
3.      Jika pihak pertama tidak mampu menepati janji (bias juga diganti dengan janji yang diberikan pihak pertama), maka pihak kedua berhak untuk menuntut pihak pertama sesuai jalur hokum yang berlaku.
4.      Jika ada perubahan perjanjian antara kedua pihak maka akan dilakukan kesepakatan ulang yang disetujui kedua pihak.
Demikian surat ini dibuat di depan saksi dalam keadaan sehat rohani dan jasmani sebagai bukti perjanjian antara kedua pihak.
Banjarmasin, 15 Agustus 2013
Pihak Pertama                                                                                     Pihak Kedua

(Nama terang)                                                                         (Nama terang)

Saksi-saksi       :


Friday, July 26, 2013

English Short Story

A Dark Brown Dog
by Stephen Crane
A Child was standing on a street-corner. He leaned with one shoulder against a high board-fence and swayed the other to and fro, the while kicking carelessly at the gravel.
Sunshine beat upon the cobbles, and a lazy summer wind raised yellow dust which trailed in clouds down the avenue. Clattering trucks moved with indistinctness through it. The child stood dreamily gazing.
After a time, a little dark-brown dog came trotting with an intent air down the sidewalk. A short rope was dragging from his neck. Occasionally he trod upon the end of it and stumbled.
He stopped opposite the child, and the two regarded each other. The dog hesitated for a moment, but presently he made some little advances with his tail. The child put out his hand and called him. In an apologetic manner the dog came close, and the two had an interchange of friendly pattings and waggles. The dog became more enthusiastic with each moment of the interview, until with his gleeful caperings he threatened to overturn the child. Whereupon the child lifted his hand and struck the dog a blow upon the head.
This thing seemed to overpower and astonish the little dark-brown dog, and wounded him to the heart. He sank down in despair at the child's feet. When the blow was repeated, together with an admonition in childish sentences, he turned over upon his back, and held his paws in a peculiar manner. At the same time with his ears and his eyes he offered a small prayer to the child.
He looked so comical on his back, and holding his paws peculiarly, that the child was greatly amused and gave him little taps repeatedly, to keep him so. But the little dark-brown dog took this chastisement in the most serious way, and no doubt considered that he had committed some grave crime, for he wriggled contritely and showed his repentance in every way that was in his power. He pleaded with the child and petitioned him, and offered more prayers.
At last the child grew weary of this amusement and turned toward home. The dog was praying at the time. He lay on his back and turned his eyes upon the retreating form.
Presently he struggled to his feet and started after the child. The latter wandered in a perfunctory way toward his home, stopping at times to investigate various matters. During one of these pauses he discovered the little dark-brown dog who was following him with the air of a footpad.
The child beat his pursuer with a small stick he had found. The dog lay down and prayed until the child had finished, and resumed his journey. Then he scrambled erect and took up the pursuit again.
On the way to his home the child turned many times and beat the dog, proclaiming with childish gestures that he held him in contempt as an unimportant dog, with no value save for a moment. For being this quality of animal the dog apologized and eloquently expressed regret, but he continued stealthily to follow the child. His manner grew so very guilty that he slunk like an assassin.
When the child reached his door-step, the dog was industriously ambling a few yards in the rear. He became so agitated with shame when he again confronted the child that he forgot the dragging rope. He tripped upon it and fell forward.
The child sat down on the step and the two had another interview. During it the dog greatly exerted himself to please the child. He performed a few gambols with such abandon that the child suddenly saw him to be a valuable thing. He made a swift, avaricious charge and seized the rope.
He dragged his captive into a hall and up many long stairways in a dark tenement. The dog made willing efforts, but he could not hobble very skilfully up the stairs because he was very small and soft, and at last the pace of the engrossed child grew so energetic that the dog became panic-stricken. In his mind he was being dragged toward a grim unknown. His eyes grew wild with the terror of it. He began to wiggle his head frantically and to brace his legs.
The child redoubled his exertions. They had a battle on the stairs. The child was victorious because he was completely absorbed in his purpose, and because the dog was very small. He dragged his acquirement to the door of his home, and finally with triumph across the threshold.
No one was in. The child sat down on the floor and made overtures to the dog. These the dog instantly accepted. He beamed with affection upon his new friend. In a short time they were firm and abiding comrades.
When the child's family appeared, they made a great row. The dog was examined and commented upon and called names. Scorn was leveled at him from all eyes, so that he became much embarrassed and drooped like a scorched plant. But the child went sturdily to the center of the floor, and, at the top of his voice, championed the dog. It happened that he was roaring protestations, with his arms clasped about the dog's neck, when the father of the family came in from work.
The parent demanded to know what the blazes they were making the kid howl for. It was explained in many words that the infernal kid wanted to introduce a disreputable dog into the family.
A family council was held. On this depended the dog's fate, but he in no way heeded, being busily engaged in chewing the end of the child's dress.
The affair was quickly ended. The father of the family, it appears, was in a particularly savage temper that evening, and when he perceived that it would amaze and anger everybody if such a dog were allowed to remain, he decided that it should be so. The child, crying softly, took his friend off to a retired part of the room to hobnob with him, while the father quelled a fierce rebellion of his wife. So it came to pass that the dog was a member of the household.
He and the child were associated together at all times save when the child slept. The child became a guardian and a friend. If the large folk kicked the dog and threw things at him, the child made loud and violent objections. Once when the child had run, protesting loudly, with tears raining down his face and his arms outstretched, to protect his friend, he had been struck in the head with a very large saucepan from the hand of his father, enraged at some seeming lack of courtesy in the dog. Ever after, the family were careful how they threw things at the dog. Moreover, the latter grew very skilful in avoiding missiles and feet. In a small room containing a stove, a table, a bureau and some chairs, he would display strategic ability of a high order, dodging, feinting and scuttling about among the furniture. He could force three or four people armed with brooms, sticks and handfuls of coal, to use all their ingenuity to get in a blow. And even when they did, it was seldom that they could do him a serious injury or leave any imprint.
But when the child was present, these scenes did not occur. It came to be recognized that if the dog was molested, the child would burst into sobs, and as the child, when started, was very riotous and practically unquenchable, the dog had therein a safeguard.
However, the child could not always be near. At night, when he was asleep, his dark-brown friend would raise from some black corner a wild, wailful cry, a song of infinite lowliness and despair, that would go shuddering and sobbing among the buildings of the block and cause people to swear. At these times the singer would often be chased all over the kitchen and hit with a great variety of articles.
Sometimes, too, the child himself used to beat the dog, although it is not known that he ever had what could be truly called a just cause. The dog always accepted these thrashings with an air of admitted guilt. He was too much of a dog to try to look to be a martyr or to plot revenge. He received the blows with deep humility, and furthermore he forgave his friend the moment the child had finished, and was ready to caress the child's hand with his little red tongue.
When misfortune came upon the child, and his troubles overwhelmed him, he would often crawl under the table and lay his small distressed head on the dog's back. The dog was ever sympathetic. It is not to be supposed that at such times he took occasion to refer to the unjust beatings his friend, when provoked, had administered to him.
He did not achieve any notable degree of intimacy with the other members of the family. He had no confidence in them, and the fear that he would express at their casual approach often exasperated them exceedingly. They used to gain a certain satisfaction in underfeeding him, but finally his friend the child grew to watch the matter with some care, and when he forgot it, the dog was often successful in secret for himself.
So the dog prospered. He developed a large bark, which came wondrously from such a small rug of a dog. He ceased to howl persistently at night. Sometimes, indeed, in his sleep, he would utter little yells, as from pain, but that occurred, no doubt, when in his dreams he encountered huge flaming dogs who threatened him direfully.
His devotion to the child grew until it was a sublime thing. He wagged at his approach; he sank down in despair at his departure. He could detect the sound of the child's step among all the noises of the neighborhood. It was like a calling voice to him.
The scene of their companionship was a kingdom governed by this terrible potentate, the child; but neither criticism nor rebellion ever lived for an instant in the heart of the one subject. Down in the mystic, hidden fields of his little dog-soul bloomed flowers of love and fidelity and perfect faith.
The child was in the habit of going on many expeditions to observe strange things in the vicinity. On these occasions his friend usually jogged aimfully along behind. Perhaps, though, he went ahead. This necessitated his turning around every quarter-minute to make sure the child was coming. He was filled with a large idea of the importance of these journeys. He would carry himself with such an air! He was proud to be the retainer of so great a monarch.
One day, however, the father of the family got quite exceptionally drunk. He came home and held carnival with the cooking utensils, the furniture and his wife. He was in the midst of this recreation when the child, followed by the dark-brown dog, entered the room. They were returning from their voyages.
The child's practised eye instantly noted his father's state. He dived under the table, where experience had taught him was a rather safe place. The dog, lacking skill in such matters, was, of course, unaware of the true condition of affairs. He looked with interested eyes at his friend's sudden dive. He interpreted it to mean: Joyous gambol. He started to patter across the floor to join him. He was the picture of a little dark-brown dog en route to a friend.
The head of the family saw him at this moment. He gave a huge howl of joy, and knocked the dog down with a heavy coffee-pot. The dog, yelling in supreme astonishment and fear, writhed to his feet and ran for cover. The man kicked out with a ponderous foot. It caused the dog to swerve as if caught in a tide. A second blow of the coffee-pot laid him upon the floor.
Here the child, uttering loud cries, came valiantly forth like a knight. The father of the family paid no attention to these calls of the child, but advanced with glee upon the dog. Upon being knocked down twice in swift succession, the latter apparently gave up all hope of escape. He rolled over on his back and held his paws in a peculiar manner. At the same time with his eyes and his ears he offered up a small prayer.
But the father was in a mood for having fun, and it occurred to him that it would be a fine thing to throw the dog out of the window. So he reached down and grabbing the animal by a leg, lifted him, squirming, up. He swung him two or three times hilariously about his head, and then flung him with great accuracy through the window.
The soaring dog created a surprise in the block. A woman watering plants in an opposite window gave an involuntary shout and dropped a flower-pot. A man in another window leaned perilously out to watch the flight of the dog. A woman, who had been hanging out clothes in a yard, began to caper wildly. Her mouth was filled with clothes-pins, but her arms gave vent to a sort of exclamation. In appearance she was like a gagged prisoner. Children ran whooping.
The dark-brown body crashed in a heap on the roof of a shed five stories below. From thence it rolled to the pavement of an alleyway.
The child in the room far above burst into a long, dirgelike cry, and toddled hastily out of the room. It took him a long time to reach the alley, because his size compelled him to go downstairs backward, one step at a time, and holding with both hands to the step above.
When they came for him later, they found him seated by the body of his dark-brown friend.

Langkah-Langkah Mudah Membuat Makalah

Mungkin banyak yang tidak tau apa itu makalah, tapi bagi mahasiswa, makalah merupakan "makanan wajib" mereka, karena hampir semua tugas kuliah berupa makalah. Bagi mahasiswa baru, mungkin membuat makalah itu sangat sulit bahkan menjadi momok yang menakutkan, tapi sebenarnya membuat makalah itu sangat mudah, yang penting rajin dan sungguh-sungguh.
Nah, disini saya akan berbagi langkah-langkah membuat makalah, semoga bermanfaat...

1. langkah pertama kita harus menentukan tema besar dari makalah kita dulu, misalnya tentang "Sejarah Bangsa Indonesia", tapi biasanya tema besar ini ditentukan oleh dosen pengasuh mata kuliah (bagi mahasiswa).

2. setelah kita tau apa tema besar dari makalah kita, maka kita bisa menentukan sub tema yang nantinya akan menjadi topik atau pembahasan utama dalam makalah kita, sebaiknya menentukan sub tema yang benar-benar erat kaitannya dengan tema dan juga yang termuat dalam banyak referensi sehingga kita tidak kesulitan dalam mencari referensi.

3. setelah kita telah menentukan topik atau pembahasan makalah kita, kita buat kerangka berpikir atau bisa juga disebut pola umum dalam makalah kita. contoh:
misalnya topik makalah kita adalah "Sejarah Perjuangan Bung Karno dkk dalam Memperjuangkan Kemerdekaan RI" maka kita bisa membuat kerangka berpikirnya kurang lebih seperti ini:
a. Definisi Sejarah
b. Perjalanan Bung Karno dkk Dalam Memperjuangkan Kemerdekaan RI
c. Tantangan-tantangan yang Dihadapi Bung Karno dkk dalam Memperjuangkan Kemerdekaan RI
d. dst. (tentukan pembahasan yang sesuai dengan pembahasan umum)

4. setelah kita membuat kerangka berpikir makalah kita, mulailah kita mencari referensi yang berkaitan dengan kerangka berpikir kita tersebut.

5. jika sudah ditemukan beberapa referensi yang kita butuhkan dan sesuai dengan pembahasan makalah kita, mulailah kita menyusun makalah kita sesuai dengan kerangka berpikir yang sudah kita buat sebelumnya, hindari yang namanya "Copy Paste" dimana kita hanya menjiplak yang terdapat dari referensi tanpa ada sumbangan pemikiran sedikitpun dari kita, karena itu bisa melanggar hak cipta. Dan akan membuat pemikiran kita tidak akan berkembang, apalagi kalau sampai ketahuan oleh dosen, pasti nilai makalah kita akan sangat rendah bahkan bisa saja ditolak.

6. nah, setelah selesai menyusun makalah, selanjutnya kita buat kesimpulan dari keseluruhan isi makalah kita, usahakan kesimpulan benar-benar dari pemikiran dan analisa kita terhadap makalah yang kita susun tadi.

nah, demikianlah kira-kira langkah dalam membuat makalah, semoga bisa bermanfaat bagi kita semua

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Tips-Tips Menentukan Tema Debat Ilmiah

Lomba Debat Ilmiah merupakan salah satu lomba yang sering dilaksanakan dalam upaya peningkatan kualitas intelektual, biasanya lomba debat ilmiah ini dilaksanakan dalam satu event yang terdapat banyak lomba di dalamnya dengan tujuan atau misi yang sama tergantung dari event yang dilaksanakan. Lomba ini kebanyakan dilaksanakan untuk tingkat mahasiswa karena mahasiswa merupakan golongan manusia yang kental dengan nuansa ilmiah dan intelektual. Dalam debat ilmiah, biasanya tema yang diperdebatkan ditentukan oleh panitia dengan memberikan banyak opsi atau pilihan tema yang sesuai dengan tema umum dari lomba tersebut dan peserta hanya dipersilakan untuk memilih tema secara acak. Namun, kebanyakan panitia pelaksana lomba debat ilmiah kurang mampu dalam menentukan tema yang bagus untuk digunakan dalam debat ilmiah.
Disini, saya mencoba memberikan tips-tips dalam menentukan tema Debat Ilmiah, silakan disimak.

1. Tema Debat harus sesuai dengan tema umum kegiatan
Dalam menentukan tema lomba debat ilmiah, jangan sampai kita mengesampingkan tema umum atau tema besar dari kegiatan yang kita laksanakan karena itu akan memunculkan kesan yang tidak profesional bagi panitia, misalnya tema umum kegiatan adalah "Pendidikan" lalu kita menentukan tema debat tentang "Hukum" tentu saja tidak ada korelasinya, jadi kita harus mengacu pada tema umum tersebut untuk menentukan tema debat ilmiah, jika tema umum adalah "Pendidikan" maka tentukan tema debat tentang pendidikan, misalnya "Kebijakan Pemerintah Tentang Kurikulum".

2. Tema Debat harus tema yang Update
Untuk menentukan tema Debat Ilmiah, kita harus mengikuti berita-berita terbaru yang sedang hangat diperbincangkan, jadi debat ilmiah yang kita laksanakan tidak terlihat "basi" tapi justru menarik untuk disaksikan.

3. Tema Debat harus Debatable
Maksud dari Debatable adalah tema debat ilmiah harus tema yang mengandung unsur kontroversi sehingga memungkinkan timbul 2 pendapat yang berseberangan agar tema benar-benar bisa diperdebatkan, misalnya suatu topik yang mengandung pendapat pro (mendukung) dan kontra (menolak). Ini adalaha unsur yang paling penting dalam menentukan tema debat ilmiah, karena jika tema tidak debatable maka debat ilmiah tidak akan bisa berjalan disebabkan tidak ada yang bisa diperdebatkan. Jadi hati-hati pada poin ketiga ini, jika poin ini tidak terpenuhi, panitia siap-siap gigit jari.

4. Tema Debat Harus Mengandung Unsur Ilmiah
Poin ini sepertinya sudah jelas, yang namanya debat ilmiah, tentu harus ilmiah.

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Grammar dan Vocabulary)

Instruction: listen to the audio carefully and fill in the blank below.
  1. The meaning of “Tu Voz” is  ....
  2. The name of Celia Cruz’s Band is .....
  3. “Tu Voz” is about ...... and ......
  4. Celia made about ........ albums and won many awards.
  5. Celia Cruz was born in ......... in Havana, Cuba.
Instruction: Find the wrong underlined word in the following sentences.
1.      Jamilah is the most beauty girl in her school.
2.      Rusdy studies hardly for the examination tomorrow.
3.      Mahmud read a book seriously.
4.      Jaka and Sulam love they parents so much.
5.      If I am hungry, I will eat some food.
Instruction: Read the text and answer the question below.
There was a toolshed beside Tom’s house. The shed, where he kept his tools, had no window at all. So, it was always dark inside although it was day.
One day, Tom went into the toolshed to get ladder. When he was taking the ladder from its place, he dropped his ring. He left the ladder inside and went out of the shed.
Outside he began to look for the ring. He could not find it even though he had been seraching for quite a long time. His friend saw him searching for something and approached him. He asked, “What are you looking for, Tom?”
I’m looking for my ring. I just dropped it,” he answered while he continued searching.
“Let me help you. By the way, where did you dop it?” asked his friend,
“Inside the shed, he answered as he pointed to the shed.
His friend was surprised and said, “ Why don’t you look for it inside the shed?”
“Are you kidding? Inside the shed is very dark. I cannot see anything there. How can I find it? it is very bright here because of the sunlight. So, I’m sure I’ll see my ring here,” Tom explained.
1)   What did Tom do in the toolshed?
a.       Got the ladder                        
b.      Sleep.
c.       Eat.
d.      Took a bath.
e.       Take a nap.

2)   What do you call the text?
a.       Narrative                     d. News item
b.      Recount                       e. Anecdote
c.       Spoof

3)   How is the condition of the toolshed?
a.       Beautiful.                    d. Messy.
b.      Bright.                         e. Neat.
c.       Very dark 

4)   What happened in the toolshed?
a.       Tom was felled.
b.      Tom’s hand was jammed.
c.       Tom’s head was crashed into the door.
d.      Tom’s ring was dropped.
e.       Tom’s money was lost.

5) Why did John look for his ring outside the toolshed?
a.       Because he wanted to do it.
b.      Because his friend helped him.
c.       Because inside the toolshed is dark.
d.      Because inside the toolshed is hot.
e.       Because he wanted to make it easy.

Instruction: complete the conversation below by the relevant word.
Pablo               : good morning, Alexandro.
Alexandro       : good morning, Pablo, How (1)____ you?
Pablo               : I (2)____ fine, thank you. And you?
Alexandro       : I am fine (3)____. Where are you (4)____?
Pablo               : I am going to school. Nice to (5)____ you.
Alexandro       : Nice to meet you too.



Instruction: Give the sign (T) for the true sentences and (F) for the false sentences in the box.
1.      I were sick yesterday.


2.      He has a book.


3.      They are my friends.


4.      Do you hungry?


5.      John and tom are in Australia now.

Instruction: Find the synonym of the following underlined words below.
1.      Raudah is a beautiful girl.
2.      You disrespect me. (irreverence)
3.      This baby is tiny. (small)
4.      I will arrive in your house five minutes later. (come)
5.      That man is grease. (fat)